State of the Game #74: Ohh Pretty Art!

Wow, what a week!

This week I put out 4 snapshot builds, and a new stable release for today!

So that brought it to a total of 7 snapshots since the last stable release, so I would like to take a second to reflect on all the fun that was had getting to this point.

So with all this focus on the garage, let’s take look at what actually changed.

Old Garage:


New Garage:


As you can see, art wise, a whole lot has been added to the garage to give a better sense of scale and environment.

There have also been a LOT of improvements with the way you add parts to your MAV.

You can watch a small video demonstrating some of the new features here.

Here is the great big change list from version 0.5.8 to 0.5.9:

+ Added an Attachment Indicator
+ Added Shift+Q or E to rotate part Horizontally (when dragging)
+ Added Ctrl+Q or E to rotate part Vertically (when dragging)
+ Made it so a parts rotation was taken into account when attaching to another part
+ Made part rotation ‘reset’ when detaching from a part
+ Added transparency to parts that are colliding
+ Added Cockpit rotation rule to MAV validation (must be facing forward)
+ Added feedback to incorrectly rotated Cockpits
+ Added ‘Set decoration’ to the garage

* Fixed Arena Mode Spawn Bug
* Made Part attachment happen only when releasing the mouse button
* Fixed UI bug that prevent the correct graphics quality from being shown
* Fixed some input issues that would cause the Zoom to not work in the Garage
* Fixed some input issues that would cause the Esc key to not respond
* Fixed crash bug if the deploy bug was pressed rapidly
* Fixed bug in the version check process that would cause some files to not be updated
* Doubled Machine Gun fire rate, reduced damage by 50%
* Fixed the semi random order of rotation when changing attach points to be more logical
* Fixed crash bug if the garage button was pressed rapidly
* Modified the way weapons attach to cockpits to be the same as other parts.
* Fixed Version Check bug that would not update to your new version
* Fixed Version Check bug for if new files are added

– Removed ability to Alt+Click to delete parts.

The next set of updates will be UI focused, both in the garage and the main menu. Maybe a few surprises mixed in as well 😉

I do hope to make a video covering all the new features in the build for later in the week, so check back later to see it!

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