This week for screen shot Saturday I don’t have a whole lot of art to show you. I do have a fantastic new build
Here are some of the new features for this week :
- The combat is 2vs2 now. I don’t have any special colors on the teams yet, so try not to kill your buddy.
- Repair stations now provide ammo as well. This means I killed the infinite ammo now.
- The AI is ever so slightly smarter. They still don’t work well together or try and heal or get ammo though.
- Reload indicators! You can now get feedback on when your weapons are ready to fire again.
- Stats system is in and working. It will only show your stats on death right now. The framework is completly built, so expanding it in the future is easy.
- Lots of bugs got fixed.
- Tweaked the sniper rifle to be more accurate, so long range shots are now possible.
- New smart camera, so you can see everything better!
Now, for some screen shots of it all in action.