State of the Game #229: Crazy times

I am late. It finally happened. After 228 weeks, or 52 months, or over 4 years, or exactly 1,596 days, I missed a Wednesdays update. We all knew this day would come. Let us take a moment of silence for the lost streak.

And done. 🙂


So this week has been a bit crazy week.

I push a snapshot build to a stable version, then issued a hotfix stable version to address a UI issue in multiplayer siege mode. I have been continuing to tackle issues in multiplayer as they come up to increase the stability and quality of life for server managers. There were also a few issues that came up from the optimizations passes that I have tackled and fixed.

This coming week I am working on a few multiplayer tweaks, primarily geared towards siege mode. I am trying to hunt down the ‘ghost player’ bug still, where players are forever left on siege servers after they quit. I have not been able to replicate this in a testing environment, so it’s been tricky. If you have any information about how you have seen it happen in the wild, I would love to know! I am also looking to remove the join in mid-match to siege mode. It causes a mass of confusion and degrades the player experience every time it happens. Instead, new players will join as spectators and will be able to play in the next match. I am also looking at some small UI improvements with connecting and disconnecting from servers and adding in hard player limits to servers to customize. I feel like these improvements will have a large impact to the amount of people that play siege mode and enjoy it’s as a more serious game mode.

Don’w worry though! I didn’t forget about arena mode. I will also be looking to add server customization limits on teams for area mode. I am hoping to also allow player limits on a per team basis, but this is a stretch goal. This would allow fun things like having a set 3v3 arena server, or crazy things like 1 v 8 for the hardcore. The goal here is to allow the community to experiment with variety and find what they like to play.


That is all for this week, sorry about being late!

Comments 2

  1. The best thing about team limits in arena is that team 5 to 32 (or is it suppose to be 24 now?) Could be set to 0 and set team 1 to 4 at 3 for 3x3x3x3 battles.

    The biggest issues is how does bots fit with an actual player cap. Also how about joining purely as a spectator.

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