State of the Game #247: What day is it?

Wow, look at that, I got so caught up in all the cool stuff I was doing that I completely forgot what day it even was. Sorry about that!

Speaking of cool stuff, we just got some new deliveries from our artist and I am really excited to start getting those items implemented. More so, I am excited to start teasing you with what they are!

Speaking of deliveries, we have been working with the writer on doing a bit more in-depth lore exploration. We have explored some short stories to get a feeling of how the world of MAV came about, and I was really happy with that format, but we also want to get more information on who these characters are. Expect to start seeing some of those story lines start to expand in the near future!

As for me, I have been working tirelessly on doing end of year planing for October, November, and December updates. I have found that having them planned out as 3 month cycles really helps me budget my time better. It is also a huge stress relief having the holidays planed for so I don’t feel bad not working on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Overall though, I am happy. I started working on MAV because I wasn’t happy with how things were going, in the game industry, in my professional career, and in my life in general. I grew very tired of watching something that I loved grow into something that I hated. I sat and watched the what was my dream job turn into something that I dreaded going into because I was a part of the industry going a direction I didn’t agree with. Maybe it took longer than it should, but I am finally at the point where I understand that MAV is my platform to do what I feel is right. If I don’t like paid loot boxes, I won’t implement them. If I don’t like free to play, I won’t do it. I can be the change I wanted to see in the industry. Sure, I am a small droplet in the ocean of the game industry, but at least I can be proud of what I am doing with my droplet.

Sorry I am a day late with this update!

Comments 10

  1. “If I don’t like paid loot boxes, I won’t implement them. If I don’t like free to play, I won’t do it. I can be the change I wanted to see in the industry.”

    “The Turks pay me a golden treasure yet I am poor because I am a river to my people.”

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  2. Loot boxes and F2P confirmed. You heard it here folks. Maybe Tew will finally get Gold Camo after all.

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  3. I completely understand now knowing what day it is XD!!!

    Though, mine might be from working at home, having four kids 5 and younger, and a wife whose a night owl, lol.

    All in all, I am excited to have found this community and I heartily approve with the platform you have built and are working towards. Keep up the amazing work!!!

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  4. managed to make myself read all the lore updates for the first time like a month ago, and from that and the setting, the games lore feels similar to the setting in starsiege, just with different driving forces.

    in starsiege a bunch of miners on mars rebelled against earth because the emperor was an ass and demanded everything they produced, and so they rebelled. they welded guns onto their mining vehicles and began fighting back first against the police state and then against the reinforcements from earth, id like to see what you do with this setting.

    though i hope in the game itself the MAV’s are more character than the people piloting them, i feel thats what made armored core great, its a mech game so of course mechs are the real stars of the show, the worthless meatbags in the seat are just there to push buttons, they and their dreams and goals and aspirations dont matter.

    id also like to hear more about mercenaries in the lore, just throwing that out there

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      I agree, as a long time player of the Armored Core series, it is all about the Mechs. I do want a human element here, but we will start to learn more about the mechs themselves. Right now, most of the character stories are in the timeline of before anyone other than the government having access to a MAV. That will change.

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