Welcome back for another amazing week of M.A.V. development!
This week, there is a new stable build, Version 0.5.13!
Check out this video for the highlights!
Awesome video, right?
So here is a more boring list of the updates:
- New Part Type : Generators
- New Part Type : Spacers
- Energy system as a build requirement
- New part health indicators
- New Weapon group indicators
- New Ammo counter indicators
- New per part damage states
- New final speed indicator in the Garage
- New weapon camera damage states
- New AI build system, for faster AI M.A.V. generation
- New leg damage states. Speed is reduced when legs are heavily damaged.
- Made is much easier to place legs in the garage
- Added User created Custom part name, S.A. Burnetto
- Made energy use stats visible in the Garage UI
- Added new Muzzle Flash F/X to all weapons
- Added projectile meshes to all bullets
- Made bullet tracers more visible
- Fixed issue when trying to assign the ‘A’ button on the Xbox 360 controller (or the return key on the keyboard)
- Made repair stations more reliable with what parts they repair
- Fixed issue with some parts not showing the correct name in gameplay
So, as you can see there are a LOT of changes. As always, you can just run the game to auto update, or you can go to your user page and download the latest installer.
Have fun!