State of the Game #218: Testing begins

What an exciting week! This past weekend MAV had it’s very first closed beta test. This is a bit different than the normal way things go, as in the past I have used snapshot builds for this type of testing. This was a very different type of testing though. MAV, for what I feel was the first time, underwent a …


State of the Game #217: The AI Takeover

Oh no, the AI are taking over! What shall we do? Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world just yet! You can always retake control by joining the game again! Wait, what? That’s right, when you leave siege mode, mid battle, the AI will valiantly take control of your MAV and march it into battle for you. But …

State of the Game #216: It’s the little things

Wow, what a week of development! According to my trello board I knocked out 12 major multiplayer blocking issues. These are big issues like “Players don’t respawn in multiplayer” and “Server doesn’t create AI” and the most fun, “Server is spammed to death with audio errors”. Nice to be able to stop those 3.5GB logs files from building up 😉 …


State of the Game #215: The Server Lives!

Wow, what a crazy week! First, a bit of marketing 🙂 M.A.V. is now available in 4-packs and you should go buy one now to spread the love around. You could be the Johnny Appleseed of M.A.V., spreading cheer and giant robots to all reaches of the internet. Go buy it now, I will wait.   Back? Ok then: The …


State of the Game #214 : The struggle continues

As you can tell by the delay of this post, it’s been quite the week! In the game I have been putting together the final touches to the loading screens, getting rid of all the last little hitches as you go from level to level. This was really important to me, as most unity games DON’T have this issue fixed …


State of the Game #213: 0.6.0 Progress report

Welcome back to this weeks State of the Game! I have been pounding away a sounds. Do you know how many sounds it takes to do a game like MAV? I know I sure didn’t estimate it right when I started this whole thing. I have now created close to 300 sounds, prioritized over 256 levels, organized them under 125 …


State of the Game #212: Sound of war

Welcome to this weeks State of the Game! If the title sounds similar, it might be because of this is not the first time I have dove into the new sound system. Last time it was about expanding the sounds. This week I have been focused on implementing final quality sounds, as well as a full sound LOD [Level of …

State of the Game #211: Loading…..

Wow, what a week of game development! This week started with me finally bending to the will of the masses and putting in an ejection screen to the game. This simple mechanic allows you to ‘eject’ and blow up your MAV in game. Very useful in arena mode when you are stripped. There is a 5 second delay on it …


State of the Game #210: Optimizations and AI

Welcome to the weekly State of the Game! First up, I have been adding a man made platform to No Mans Pass, on the north east corner of the map. Here is a view from the multi-tiered platform: I have been continuing the work on the level during the dev streams, but I do take breaks every now and then. …


State of the Game #209: Progress is coming!

Wow, what a difference a week can make! This week, has been a week of motion for sure. In fact, for a while there I was getting nervous that everything was stalling out, but, turns out it couldn’t be farther from the truth!   Come and get them! I have been serving up bug fixes all week! Who ordered the …


State of the Game #208: 4 years and counting!

Wow, 4 years of state of the game posts! Time flies when you are a 1 person team making a massive game! This week has actually not been that productive. :/ I was able to get some more work done finalizing the landmines and getting some additional progress on No Man’s Pass v2 done, but sadly on Friday night, right …

State of the Game #207: Landmines!

This past week has been a bit of a whirl wind! The bulk of the work has been done on remaking ALL 100 rank icons to be higher resolution and more polished looking. Here are a few examples: Other than that, I have been hard at work finishing all the backend work to get landmines ready. I got everything in …

State of the Game #206: Chromehounds Memorial Day!

Log in and play MAV today and earn a special badge! I will be streaming Chromehounds and MAV related stuff all day on, so stop by!   Normal Dev streams will still happen this week!