State of the Game #124 : Website Work

Welcome to another State of the Game!

So this week, it’s a little bit different.  Unfortunately, my computer has been suffering from some massive overheating issues, in part due to the unforgiving heat that had descended and the lack of air conditioning. This made tasks like working on M.A.V. or compiling code, not only incredibly slow, but also potentially damaging, as my CPU was hitting 100 degrees Celsius! That’s hot enough to boil water!

So, in the nature of continuing to be productive,  I started on a new website!

So, normally, I wouldn’t want to spend my time working on something other than M.A.V.. In fact, I even hired a company to redo the website back in late March. Unfortunately, after working with them for 6 weeks, I received the first design and after I gave them feedback on the design, they quit the entire project, citing that my “Standards are too high”. I swear my feedback was not even that harsh!

So, that left me with the same site I put together fairly quickly. While this version of the website is entirely functionally, it does it in the most minimum way possible. It is also unbearably slow and hosted on a slow and expensive server.

So, the goals of this redesign are to make things pretty, functional, and fast. I will also be preparing areas of the site for future expansion, including a M.A.V. tutorial section, redesigned message board, and much better account and merchandise pages.

I have been making great progress! I have a new server up and running, which is twice as fast as the current one and 1/4th the cost!  I have migrated over a lot of data and begun work on the redesign. I have a much more modern and community focused design for the homepage, so it will be much more useful for people that already have M.A.V. and want to be more up-to-date on the development of the game.

I expect this process to take a few more weeks, so in that time the work that goes directly into M.A.V. will be a lot slower than normal. The hope is to work on the website during the heat of the summer and go back to M.A.V. once things have cooled down (or I get a new computer).

Well, that is all for this week! I hope to see you again next week!

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