State of the Game #172: Snapshot build!

Welcome to another State of the Game!

In this past week, I released a long awaited snapshot build! You can read the full release notes here.

Now that the snapshop build is live I have turned my full attention to rebuilding the website and online services part of the game. As a start, I put a Wiki up and users are already adding tons of great information to it! I have the new site up and running and have a good layout picked. I am adding content and planning out all the core elements. This includes a more dynamic homepage, a better designed ‘About’ section, and a fully redone store.

While all this sounds amazing, there are still some significant technical challenges. For starters, I will be migrating server hosts, as my sever host, while reliable, can not provide the server power at a reasonable cost [when I first launched the dev site on the same server, it crashed the whole server]. I have secured a host that is significantly faster and  about 1/3rd the month cost, which is nice!

Also, there is the  significant hurdle of migrating accounts. The ultimate goal will be to have a unified account for the store, the game, and the forums. Right now, these all use a completely different account system and will have to be merged. At the very LEAST, the shop and game will be merged.

That is all for this week! By next week I hope to have some screenshots and a possible beta version of the site. See you then!

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