State of the Game #242: The Summer Update

The summer update is here! This update is packed with goodness, but the core focus was on overhauling the UI system. Every ui screen received a complete redesign, along with user testing, to rebuild it from the ground up! It all starts with a new Main Menu, focused on the core of what MAV is about, awesome looking mechs. The …



The two massive war machines clashed again, making the ground shake under their awesome power. The one with humanoid legs and a red stripe around its chest pushed the lighter vehicle backwards, but the latter drew away graciously, moving over digitigrade limbs, trying to avoid the mining spikes the rebel pilot was so adept of. The military machine fired the …


State of the Game #241: There is no Done

No, the update is not delayed 🙂 The title of this post is actually a reflection I had yesterday. You see, I had produced the first release candidate build yesterday for the Summer update and sent it out for testing. I have learned quite a few lessons the hard way when it comes to testing, so I actually had a …

Join the Adventure!

History is waiting for you! For years our civilization has struggled against the depletion of the fleeting resources Mother Earth had in store for us. We, as a species, have grown far too much for the meager confines of our home world. From our humble beginnings, carving tools out of stone, to the grand civilizations that made the wonders of …


State of the Game #240 : Heads down

Sorry for the short update. I am heads down working to get the Summer Update out. I have finished the current garage UI and have moved on to the Battle report screen. Rachael has been driving for quite a bit of quality and I feel like it is paying off a ton! Here is a work in progress shot: That …


Pwyll Crater Complex

Augusto GĂłis lowered his head to avoid banging on the bulwark as he passed underneath it. In here everything seemed to be working just fine, too. Looking around, the engineer checked all the valves and pipes passing through the frame of the structure. Still nothing seemed to be truly wrong. Some leaking from the water pipes, but that happened sometimes, …


State of the Game #239 : Paint by Numbers

Have you ever sat and thought about how un-intuitive a set of sliders or even most ‘advanced’ color pickers can be to people that are not used to tools like photoshop? Like, could the average person make Orange, using a set of RGB sliders? Sure, a color fan mixed with a value slider is a bit better,  but how long …


Will I Dream of Him?

>\File selection – R001_08/31/2078 Booting memory … Playing Action cancelled Transcribing … Displaying…   >\Start\ So, yeah, this is me – I mean, you – speaking. Okay, bad start… Let’s go again. This is AlizĂ©. Your past self, anyway. I don’t really know why I am recording this. It has been a long time since I felt the need to …


State of the Game #238 : Quality of Life

Small things really add up to make a big difference in the enjoyably of things. That is the lesson I have been learning this week, and really the whole time I have been working on MAV. Some people would just yell “Your just talking about polish, you dolt!”, and I wouldn’t say they are completely wrong, but this feel different. This …