State of the Game #210: Optimizations and AI

Welcome to the weekly State of the Game! First up, I have been adding a man made platform to No Mans Pass, on the north east corner of the map. Here is a view from the multi-tiered platform: I have been continuing the work on the level during the dev streams, but I do take breaks every now and then. …


State of the Game #209: Progress is coming!

Wow, what a difference a week can make! This week, has been a week of motion for sure. In fact, for a while there I was getting nervous that everything was stalling out, but, turns out it couldn’t be farther from the truth!   Come and get them! I have been serving up bug fixes all week! Who ordered the …


State of the Game #208: 4 years and counting!

Wow, 4 years of state of the game posts! Time flies when you are a 1 person team making a massive game! This week has actually not been that productive. :/ I was able to get some more work done finalizing the landmines and getting some additional progress on No Man’s Pass v2 done, but sadly on Friday night, right …

State of the Game #207: Landmines!

This past week has been a bit of a whirl wind! The bulk of the work has been done on remaking ALL 100 rank icons to be higher resolution and more polished looking. Here are a few examples: Other than that, I have been hard at work finishing all the backend work to get landmines ready. I got everything in …

State of the Game #206: Chromehounds Memorial Day!

Log in and play MAV today and earn a special badge! I will be streaming Chromehounds and MAV related stuff all day on Twitch.tv, so stop by!   Normal Dev streams will still happen this week!


State of the Game #205: The Battle Report Lives

Welcome back! So you might have noticed that I started work on the ‘battle report’ last week. This week I went about actually hooking it all up. Boy, was I in for a surprise though! I was missing some fundamental information. The basis for any stats system, is an excellent data gathering system. You need to compile as much data …


State of the Game #204: XP Rewards

Welcome to another state of the game! This past week has been a bit hectic. I spent some time tracking down some more unusual issues that users were having and that lead to a small change with the websites account system. users are no longer allowed to have spaces in their name. Moving on to more fun things! I got …


State of the Game #203: Shader and Treads

I suck a titles. I will work on that. So this has been a fun week! I have been progressing with some ‘not so fun stuff’ but more importantly, I have been taking requests during the dev streams and that lead me down the path of both fixing up the shader used in M.A.V. along with making the tank treads …

State of the Game #202: I have a plan!

Well, what a week it has been! I spent the first part of the week putting together a little info graphic explaining out some of the larger details of the up-coming campaign mode. Check it out: That’s quite a bit of information! Other than that, I have finished up the cockpit and chassis explosions [as can be seen in the …

State of the Game #201: Bug bashing begins

Last week I promised you blown up parts and we delivered it, Live on Twitch! Now when you blow up a part, you get a nice visual reward for it. The parts that fly off hang around in the level for quite some time, though they do stop smoking. This makes areas where large battles took place to littered with …

State of the Game #200 : 200 Weeks and Counting

Almost 4 years when I started this blog I made a promise to the community to update you with my status every week. It has now been 200 weeks without a missed update [although some cut it real close!] and I just wanted to say thank you for hanging in there with me on this crazy journey! Now, on to …

State of the Game #199: Dat Dip!

Check out that dip! There are actually quite a few things in that video that show what I have been up to this past week. I started with finishing up the howitzer impact explosions.  I wanted something that had the size, but was distinctly different depending on the surfaces that you hit. This lead me to going through every level, …


State of the Game #198: Come Zoom with Me

So last week I was all about sound. That was until I went to add in some sounds for the UI, like zooming in. At that point, I realized I didn’t really have a ‘zoom in’, I was just switching cameras. And that is how the rabbit hole began. In this test video I had completely rewritten the camera system, …


State of the Game #197: I Walk Through the Valley of Sound

This week, to show my progress best, I will lead with a video. Oh what progress a week makes. The sounds of bullets whizzing by, distant explosions, parts being ripped off, and that oh so satisfying chug-chug-chug of machine guns. It almost brings a tear to your eye. So, there are several things that went into that video, and surprisingly …

State of the Game #196: I like the sound of that!

Welcome to this weeks State of the Game! Good news, I have finished most of the functionality of the main menus and have started to implement a better sound system! Also, I vastly under estimated how amazing a full featured game option menu could be. Do you know how much fun it is to hop into a Arena game with …


State of the Game #195: Finalizing the Game Options

Welcome to this week’s State of the Game! I am continuing to slog through the UI update and have made a lot of progress. Even though I promised no new features, this last main UI screen I am working on has really grown into what could be considered a full feature. The game options screen will allow a player to …


State of the Game #194: Additional Video Options

Welcome to another State of the Game! This week I have been continuing the work on the UI, finishing up the menu screen that I showed last week on the Live Dev stream. This included adding some MUCH needed additional controls over the video settings of the game. Instead of having a silly, one size fits all, drop down of …


State of the Game #193 : Game Settings UI

Welcome back to the first State of the Game since the great GPU debacle of 2015! So it turns out, this was the true order of events for fixing my development PC. 1. Issues start to arise with PC losing power randomly. 2. Check all internal wiring to make sure everything is good. 3. PC shuts down, fails to restart. …


State of the Game #192: Spreadsheets Live!

So, in my great stokes of luck, I got my replacement GPU and still had issues. So we replaced the power supply. Nope, new, different issues, but still not resolved. It appears that I am the most unlucky person in the world, as I had a bad GPU, a bad power supply, and a bad replacement GPU. So I have …

State of the Game #191: The Spreadsheet to End Them All

Welcome back! So, catching up from last week, the issue turned out to not even be my graphics card! The current speculation is a bad power supply, so I have a replacement on the way. In the mean time I have been digging through some spread sheets doing some fancy lore and production planning. I have created a master spread …

State of the Game #190: Forced Vacation

So I am still waiting on my replacement graphics card. In the mean time, I have been doing what I can from my laptop. This includes messing with website code a bit and, honestly, playing a lot of Civ 5 🙂 . There are actually a lot of things to learn from Civ 5 in the ways that Campaign mode …


State of the Game #189: It lives; It Dies

Well, this has been quite the week! I have made great progress on making all the new UI’s functional. I started with the main ‘hub’ menu and have moved to the profile and the quickplay menus. The profile menu is fully functional, minus 2 features [the deployment graph, as those stats don’t exist, and the medals, as they don’t exist, …


State of the Game #188: Making the UI Functional

Welcome to another state of the game! This week I have been exploring out more UI screens and actually started programming them all up to be functional. Below you can see what I am planning for the player profile: Each of the bottom hexes will show your current level progress for each roletype [this is already functional]. The main stats …

State of the Game #187: Hexagons Everywhere!

Wow, almost didn’t make it in time this week! Well, I have been continuing to frame out the UI, completely re-thinking how players get into the game, the menu options they have, and how ‘smooth’ it is, for both new and experienced players. Last week I showed you the new main menu [which has already changed some!] and this week …


State of the Game #186: UI Rework

Welcome to another State of the Game! This will likely be a shorter update this week, as I have mainly been spending my time rethinking the whole menu system. Why, you might ask? I did some blind testing on the game [recording someone that has never played and seeing what they do] and I got some very interesting results. It …

State of the Game #185 : To Unity 5, or not

Welcome to another State of the Game! This week, I began doing a lot of the part planing and stats reworks and that lead me to looking at the garage UI. Once I started looking at the UI and planning ways to update it all, the question about switching over to Unity 5 kept popping up in my head. So …


State of the Game #184: The Great Stats Rewrite

Welcome to another State of the Game! This week I have been tackling the idea of player leveling and unlocking parts. I feel like this is a very important part of the game, as it provides progression and rewards to the player, but it also provides a natural gating tool, allowing players to ease into the game and not be …

State of the Game #183: The Details of Death

Welcome back to the State of the Game! This week I have been focused back on the actual game, as most of the website shenanigans are behind us. There is still an outstanding issue with the attachments on the forums, but other than that, things are holding up well. Late last week I finished off the last remaining login issues …